Venezuela Dance MusicVenezuela Dance Music


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Venezuela Dance Music


         Dance and music are an integral part that defines the culture, customs and traditions of any country. Venezuela, considered as one of the most urbanized Latin American countries, is also known for its unique music and dance styles that have evolved as a blend of Spanish, Indian and African rhythms, costumes, traditions and religious beliefs.

        The two most important dance forms that are widely popular in Venezuela are the Joropo and the Red Devils of Yare. The Joropo has been designated as the national dance of Venezuela that is performed throughout the country, and is primarily for couples. Red Dancing Devils of Yare is another unique, colorful and traditional dance form that depicts the battle on Corpus Christi day against the forces of righteousness. Other important dance forms that are also popular in Venezuela include the Meringue of the Dominican Republic, Calypso and the Salsa dance of Puerto Rico.

         All these dance forms do not hold any significance unless they are combined with some beautiful music using instruments like the four-stringed small guitar called the cuatro, maracas, violin and drums. In fact, maraca and cuatro are typically used when indigenous Venezuelans play their traditional music. Other popular musical instruments include the harp, mandolin and bandola.

         Venezuela has distinct musical forms that are suitable for any major occasion. Most of these forms have been influenced by indigenous and African customs. One can have a distinct glimpse of African music in Venezuela as a part of religious ceremonies and weddings. Among all the forms, the most famous Afro-Venezuelan music form is the Gaita, Venezuela’s traditional Christmas music. Zaita contains improvised rhyming vocals over cuara and maracas. American pop music is also immensely popular amongst the younger generation.

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Venezuela Dance Music

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